Teavana Bottled Teas at Starbucks

It was a tragedy when Teavana closed their retail locations in 2018. Thankfully though, you can still get some of their teas online, in various food stores, and in Starbucks stores. While their hot teas are very good, I am a big fan of their bottled iced teas. Starbucks used to have three bottled teas on their menu—Sparkling Blood Orange Mango White Tea, Pineapple Berry Blue Herbal Tea, and Mango Black Tea. These days, the Pineapple Berry Blue isn’t listed on the menu, but it is available in every store I’ve been into. Meanwhile, I have never seen the Mango Black Tea in stores, and the menu says it is not available in any location near me. I’m not sure if they took the wrong one of the menu, or if stores are just using down their stock of Pineapple Berry Blue before replacing it. No matter which flavor you can’t get at your local Starbucks, you should be able to get all three flavors, and more, at a supermarket, or you could always order online.

Teavana Sparkling Blood Orange Mango White Tea

Teavana Sparkling Blood Orange Mango White Tea bottled iced tea at Starbucks

I figured I would start with this iced tea because it is the only one I can pretty much guarantee it will be in your local Starbucks. The flavor of the white tea does not come through in this drink, though I did not expect it to because white tea has a very light and delicate flavor. The mango flavor is the strongest, with a hint of orange. This tea also contains blackberry leaf, which I was able to taste only when I was looking for it. Overall, this drink is not too sweet, just a nice mix of fruity flavors. Personally, I really enjoy the bubbles, but my family did not. I wish I could say you will like it if you like soda or sparkling water, but I don’t like soda while the rest of my family does, and most of us like sparkling water, but we all had different opinions.

Teavana Pineapple Berry Blue Herbal Tea

Teavana Pineapple Berry Blue Herbal Tea bottled iced tea at Starbucks

This Pineapple Berry Blue is probably my favorite of the three iced teas, so I hope it continues to be sold in Starbucks stores and that the menu is just a mistake. The pineapple flavor is the strongest in this tea, with a some blueberry flavor. The ingredients list hibiscus tea, which I would say you can taste a hint of. Once again this tea is not very sweet, but is probably the sweetest of the three.

Teavana Mango Black Tea

Teavana Mango Black Tea bottled iced tea from Starbucks

This iced tea tastes very similar to what I would get when I order a mango iced tea at a restaurant like Applebee’s or Ruby Tuesdays. That’s not to say that it is bad—in fact my family has ordered a few cases of it online—just the least unique of the three teas. Unlike the other two teas, you can actually taste the black tea in this drink. The flavoring tastes artificial at first, but then combines with the tea to taste more like mango. It is quite refreshing, though I do recommend putting the bottle or can in the fridge for a few hours or serving it over ice for the best flavor.

Overall, the three Teavana bottled iced teas available at Starbucks are delicious and refreshing. While I don’t think I would go to Starbucks just for one of these, they are great to grab for another day while I am there, or if I am going for breakfast and want something different to drink. I would also definitely pick one or two up if I saw them while food shopping.


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