Starbucks Shaken Iced Teas & Iced Tea Lemonades

Starbucks is famous for their Frappaccinos and fancy coffees. But did you know that they also have a variety of teas? Their most basic teas are their shaken iced teas, which can be enjoyed on their own or with lemonade. All four flavors are refreshing, delicious, and perfect for summer, but each one has their own distinct flavor.

Iced Black Tea

Starbucks tall iced black tea

Starbucks iced black tea, like many of their drinks, is very bitter when unsweetened. Personally, I prefer English Breakfast when having black tea, and this is probably made from Earl Grey, so I don’t love it. However, getting the drink sweetened takes a lot of the bitterness away. It tastes a little like oolong tea that you get at a Chinese restaurant and is very delicious.

Iced Black Tea Lemonade

Starbucks tall iced black tea lemonade

Adding lemonade is another way to make the iced tea sweeter and less bitter, although it will be a little sour. Getting the black tea lemonade sweetened, however, increases the flavor of the lemonade so it is slightly overpowering. It is very refreshing either way, but I recommend getting it unsweetened if you like to taste the tea.

Iced White Tea

Starbucks tall iced white tea

White tea is my personal favorite type of tea, and this drink is no exception. The least bitter of the four, the iced white tea is great sweetened or unsweetened. Just be aware that the light flavor of white tea means it is very sweet when sweetened, so you may prefer it unsweetened.

Iced White Tea Lemonade

Starbucks grande iced white tea lemonade

Adding lemonade to white tea, surprisingly, is not something I would recommend. Once again, the light flavor of the white tea is to blame because it allows the lemonade to completely overpower the drink. You really cannot taste the tea at all in this drink, which is not ideal if you are a tea lover like me.

Iced Green Tea

Starbucks tall iced green tea

The iced green tea is less bitter than the black tea, but more than the white. However, it has a musty flavor that is common in green tea (and makes green tea my least favorite). Like the black tea, getting this drink sweetened helps reduce the bitterness, but the musty flavor is still there. Green tea is often hailed for its health benefits, and while I don’t know if they are true of this tea, it is very hydrating which makes it perfect for hot summer days.

Iced Green Tea Lemonade

Starbucks tall iced green tea lemonade

Unlike the last two teas, the green tea actually overpowers the lemonade in this drink. It tastes just as bitter and musty as without lemonade. To be fair, I do not get this drink often because, as I said, green tea is my least favorite. So maybe the last time I ordered it, they forgot to put the lemonade in altogether. But just in case, be wary that the lemonade does not make this drink sweeter like it does with the others.

Passion Tango Iced Tea

Starbucks tall iced passion tango tea

Without sweetener, this drink is very tart and honestly tastes a little like cough syrup. I personally did not enjoy it very much the first time I got it. However, this tea becomes a completely different drink when it is sweetened. It is still a little tart, but tastes more similar to fruit punch with slight tropical flavors. Sweetened, this is my favorite drink out of the eight in this article, and honestly a contender for my overall favorite Starbucks drink. I highly recommend everyone tries the Passion Tango Iced Tea.

Passion Tango Iced Tea Lemonade

Starbucks tall passion tango iced tea lemonade

Like most of the other drinks, the lemonade makes this drink less tart and a little sweeter. And like its lemonade-less counterpart, it is very different with sweetener. Personally, I recommend the drink without lemonade, but you will enjoy this drink if you like the hint of sourness that lemonade adds.

Now, I encourage to go out and try all of the Starbucks Shaken Iced Teas, or at least whichever ones sound best to you. Let me know which one is your favorite!


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